Developing Doulas Companionship
In Feburary 2022 I was very excited to be invited to become a Developing Doulas companion. The Developing Doulas Companionship Programme is a doula mentorship programme for new and more experienced doulas. It designed to complement the Doula UK Recognition Process or it can be your main source of support if you can’t, or don’t choose to, join Doula UK. I have experienced myself how powerful it can be to have a mentor who feels passionately about supporting their mentee to blossom, not only just as a doula, but as a person too and I hold this experience very close to my heart as I go forward in supporting other doulas on their doulaing journey.
I offer primary companionship for the postpartum period, I have no rigid rules around how this will work for us together as a team, but will usually mean that we will work together, talking through any concerns or questions that you might have as you work with your first four or five clients. As your time with each client comes to an end we will take the time to debrief and talk through your reflections and your clients feedback. When we feel the time is right you will then be acknowledged to the doula community.
Pricing is as below for Primary companionship. The fee can be broken down and paid per debrief if preferred or monthly. This price includes regular phone calls, meet ups and chats, as and when appropriate.
£350 for x4 debriefs and acknowledgment (any further debriefs will be included in this cost)
I also offer specialist companionship sessions on topics that I have additional training and experience in, these are as follows:
Breastfeeding/Infant feeding
Breastfeeding grief and trauma
Introducing solids
The 4th trimester
Night doulaing
Perinatal mental health
Child and adolescent mental health
Domestic violence
Transition from NHS employment to self employment
Specialist companion sessions are charged at £25 an hour.
Any ongoing support can be continued at an agreed rate
Please get in touch for an informal chat if you are interested in the companionship programme or if you would like to get to know me a little better.
“If a woman doesn’t look like a goddess in labour then someone isn’t treating her right”
Ina May Gaskin
“A doula will be there for you, unconditionally, completely, whenever and whoever you are and whatever you do. And she will move heaven and earth to carry out your wishes.”
Maddie McMahon
As your Doula I will;
Get to know you
Place you at the centre of your decisions
Know that you are the expert on you and your baby
Support you to feel prepared for birth and parenthood, knowing all your options
Listen with compassion
Support you to find the information you need to inform your choices
Respect your decisions
Believe in you
Care for you
Celebrate your transformation to parenthood with you
Encourage you
Antenatal Breastfeeding Preparation
This session is aimed to be delivered during your pregnancy...
Night Doula
Night doula services are available...
Breastfeeding Support
I am a registered Breastfeeding Counsellor with the Association of Breastfeeding Mothers...
Baby-led Weaning
There is little more emotive a subject than the way that we feed our babies...
Gift Vouchers
Find out more about our Gift Vouchers...
Antenatal 4th Trimester Preparation
I have a burning interest in the initial three months following birth, often referred to as ‘The Fourth Trimester’.
Postnatal services
As your postnatal doula I will offer practical and emotional support to help you...
Developing Doulas Companionship
Three Step Rewind
Maddie’s Miracle Free Breastfeeding Support Group

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